Code: CC31B

This course is the second course of the four courses in USACO Silver level.
Scoring 500/1000 in USACO Silver contests
Who should take this course?
A student who wants to take this course is recommended to accomplish ONE of the followings:
This course consists of:
- Recursion practice
- Divide-and-Conquer strategy
- Floodfill
- Silver level data structures
- Greedy methods
- BFS on 2D grids
- Introduction to Graphs
- Disjoint cycles
These classes include solving / discussing 40+ easy / medium former USACO Silver problems in various topics including the above ones. The course have a midterm and a final exam.
Next Course
The next course is CC35A: USACO Silver Advanced - A.
It is recommended to complete at least 50% of the course (certificate of succesful completion) before taking the next one.